Board and Committee Members

The WMPO Board typically meets at 3:00 p.m. on the last Wednesday of each month, unless otherwise noted in the meeting agenda, which is posted on the Agendas/Minutes page one week prior to the meeting. The Executive Director of the WMPO serves as the secretary to the Board. A public comment period is included as part of each regular meeting.

Hon. Hank Miller, <br>Chairman

Hon. Hank Miller,

Mayor Pro Tem
Town of Wrightsville Beach
910-620-4265  |  Email

Hon. Luke Waddell, <br>Vice Chairman

Hon. Luke Waddell,
Vice Chairman

City of Wilmington
910-599-7081  |  Email

Hon. Kevin Spears

Hon. Kevin Spears
City of Wilmington
(910) 795-5378  |  Email

Hon. Bill Rivenbark

Hon. Bill Rivenbark
New Hanover County
910-798-7260  |  Email

Hon. Mike Allen

Hon. Mike Allen
Town of Belville
910-471-5945  |  Email

Hon. Lynn Barbee

Hon. Lynn Barbee
Town of Carolina Beach
910-458-2999  |  Email

Hon. Dane Scalise

Hon. Dane Scalise
New Hanover County
(910) 798-7259  |  Email

Hon. Brenda Bozeman

Hon. Brenda Bozeman
Town of Leland
(910) 279-2274  |  Email

Hon. John Ellen

Hon. John Ellen
Town of Kure Beach
910-458-8216  |  Email

Hon. Brad George

Hon. Brad George
Pender County
910-604-0672  |  Email

Hon. Frank Williams

Hon. Frank Williams
Brunswick County
910-604-6510  |  Email

Hon. Eulis Willis

Hon. Eulis Willis
Town of Navassa

Landon Zimmer

Landon Zimmer
Board Member
NC Board of Transportation

Other WMPO Committees:

Committee Name Description
Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) A technical coordinating committee composed of staff members (planners, engineers and administrators) from each of the member jurisdictions meets monthly to provide recommendations to the WMPO Board.
Go Coast Committee – Transportation Demand Management (TDM) A TDM committee representing major employers in the region and staff members from member jurisdictions meet regularly to provide guidance and recommendations on the development of the TDM program.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BikePed) A bicycle and pedestrian advisory committee (BPAC) composed of individuals appointed to provide expertise on local bicycle and pedestrian matters meets monthly to provide recommendations to the WMPO Board on bicycle and pedestrian items.
Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) A citizens advisory committee composed of individuals appointed to assist in the development of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). This committee meets only during plan development cycles and is currently active.
MTP Advisory Committee This advisory committee is composed of staff from member agencies, planning partners, and modal subject matter experts who guide and oversee the development of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), a regional transportation plan with a 25-year horizon. The committee meets only during plan development cycles.

TCC Members

Name Representing
 Michelyn Alston  Town of Navassa
 Stephanie Ayers  North Carolina State Ports Authority
 Helen Bunch  Brunswick County Planning Department
 Michelle Howes  NCDOT Division of Highways
 Granseur Dick  Wilmington International Airport
 Adam Moran  Pender County Planning Department
 Sam Boswell  Cape Fear Council of Governments
 Gloria Abbotts  Town of Carolina Beach
 Adrienne Harrington  Town of Belville
 Mike Kozlosky, Chair  MPO Executive Director
 Jessica Moberly  Town of Leland
 Karlene Ellis Vitalis  New Hanover County Planning Department
 Carolyn Caggia  Go Coast TDM Program Coordinator
 Robert O’Quinn  Town of Wrightsville Beach
 Mark Hairr  Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority
 Mandy Sanders  Town of Kure Beach
 Nazia Sarder, Vice Chair  NCDOT Transportation Planning Branch
 Denys Vielkanowitz  City of Wilmington