Technical Review Services


WMPO staff participate on Technical Review Committees (TRC) throughout the planning service area. In this capacity, WMPO staff review development proposals for the following:

  • Impact on the local street network
  • Internal site circulation
  • Relevance to locally adopted transportation plans and construction projects
  • Adequacy of pedestrian and bicycle facilities
  • Compliance with any Traffic Impact Analysis approvals

Comments are submitted to the responsible jurisdiction for further discussion and/or inclusion with the development site design team. On average, WMPO staff review between 40 and 60 development proposals each month. WMPO staff also provide on-demand technical services for governmental agencies within the planning service area.


WMPO staff has the capability to collect and document observed volumes of traffic on the roads in the WMPO service area. Currently, over 300 locations have traffic count data updated annually or bi-annually. The observations determine an average daily volume (ADT) for a given roadway segment. Special counts can be conducted at specific locations, as staff time and resources allow. See traffic count map.